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My Story

I am Shane Ivry Stewart.

My father named me from my first to last name and unfortuanatley wasn't able to spell all that well. "Ivory like the tusks of an elephant or the keys of a piano or the horns of some other animals" he told me on a car ride. "Yeah, but, it's not spelled right" I thought.

My ultimate starting point for photography was the moment I captured a bison 8 feet away from my grandmother's car with a Fuji Quicksnap disposable camera she gifted to me for our trip to Yellowstone National Park for my 11th birthday. 

The starting point I used tell people in real life is the second or third girls home Pine View Panthers basketball game for the Pine View Highschool yearbook. The image was grainy, full of motion blur, probably out of focus and shot on some canon camera with a kit lens. The photo sucked but was my first introduction to candid/documentary style photography.

The starting point I tell people now is the first time Eric Reed photographed me and my band at Jazzy's Rock N Roll Grill. Eric was and is the most generous photographer I have ever met, having shot almost every show at Jazzy's for free for 3 years. Eventually he moved away, onto bigger and better things, and left a GIANT hole in the music community. A hole that I was able to convince my self I could and would fill.

Starting out in photography shooting events and especially concerts was almost a nightmare. As I would eventually learn, it is very technical and intuitive shooting. Having purchased a Sony a6000 and Nikon Nikkor 50mm f1.4, I was stuck shooting everything fully manual and hoping for the best. Fast forward 6-ish years, a couple of cameras, a lot of lenses, 57 memory cards, and the death of my father and I am still hoping to capture images that remind me why I started photography in the first place. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


Southwest General Collective LLC

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